Our Mission Statement
Grace Community Church exists to delight in God, demonstrate mercy, and declare the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Delight in God: The purpose of our worship is to delight in God. We are thankful for God’s gifts, but our desire is to delight not just in the gifts but in the Giver of gifts.
Demonstrate Mercy: God has called us to minister to the tangible needs of our community. We want to equip believers to demonstrate the Gospel in Word and deed in our community.
Declare Grace: We are a gospel-centered and gospel-driven Church. At the heart of the gospel is not advice for better living but a declaration of God’s grace. This good news compels us to live differently.
Our Cultural Values
We value a culture of authenticity. A culture where it is safe to be real, vulnerable, and transparent with one another. Here, it is safe to be your broken self.
We value a culture of outward focus. We believe the church is unique in that it is an institution that exists for its non-members. Here, we desire to be a church on mission in Word and Deed in the Cordova area.
We value a culture of engaging worship. We desire to worship God in a way that is contextual, thoughtful, and purposeful. We seek worship that engages corporately and individually.
Our Theological Values
The Scripture (Heb 4:12), the Gospel (Rom 1:16), and the Kingdom (1Cor 4:20) operate as our core theological values. These animating values are what produce change and fruit individually and corporately.
We believe that when someone comes to know Jesus through His Word, is set free in the gospel, and is shaped by Jesus’ kingdom, there will be evidence of fruit in that person’s life. These values are extremely important to us because they emphasize that real change is not external, but internal and organic (1Sam 16:7).
Grace Community Church is also a part of a larger denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). In this sense, Grace Community Church is not a community unto itself. We are connected to a much larger, historical community of faith for both support and accountability as we labor for the cause of the gospel and God's kingdom.