What is the Mission of Community Groups at GCC?
The Community Group Ministry of GCC exists to foster an environment where relationships are built to enable us to do the “one-anothering” described int the New Testament.
Obviously, the mission of Community Groups has to fit with the overall mission of GCC: “Grace Community Church exits to delight in God, demonstrate mercy, and declare the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.” The ministry of Community Groups provides an opportunity for relationships to deepen as we carry out the greater mission of our church. We are a relational church. We want a ministry that would facilitate the relationships that move our church’s mission forward. We set a few goals for our Community Groups:
To provide a means of deep community building
To encourage intergenerational relationships in particular
To enable greater service and love for one-another
For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them
Romans 12:4–6
We organize our groups geographically while trying to give them an intentional balance of ages and stages. Community Groups are a central means by which we see our cultural value of “Authentic Community” in action. We are called to invest our lives in one-another. If members of a group live closer together, it will make it easier to serve and love one-another in practical ways.
The Body of Christ is, by nature, intergenerational. If groups are comprised of multiple generations, different members of the Body of Christ have opportunities to help one-another in unique ways, passing on the wisdom that comes from experience and the energy and enthusiasm that comes from youth. At the same time, our goal is balance, recognizing It’s also important to have a sense of affinity that comes from sharing the same stage of life.
How do Community Groups Function at GCC?
Groups are led by volunteers who feel called and gifted for this ministry. Although the Session oversees the groups, not every group is led by a member of the Session. Not every elder is gifted for every kind of ministry. We want groups to be led well, and that means putting them in the hands of leaders with a passion and gifts for leading small groups.
We expect groups to meet a minimum of once a month, but groups are to set their own schedules and locations. Fellowship and prayer is the focus, but groups are given great freedom as to the format and content of meetings. Community Groups are all about the deepening of relationship. For that to happen groups need the flexibility to develop their own ways of doing things that fits that particular group.
Group sizes are based on the number of leaders willing to take on a Community Group and the number of participants (including children) who are signed up. Although they are a vital ministry at GCC, participation in Community Groups is optional. If you would like to sign up for a community group please click the button below.