GCC Choir Rehearsals 2025:

GCC Choir rehearsals take place weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30pm in the GCC sanctuary. We are especially in need of bass/baritone voices. Music is one of the most beautiful ways in which we can worship our Savior. Choir is an avenue that better equips the congregation to do just that. I do hope that each of you will prayerfully consider joining the GCC choir. We'd love to worship with you in song, as we better learn how to 'serve the Lord with gladness', and 'come into His presence with singing!' (Psalm 100:2). Soli Deo Gloria! For more information, please contact Philip Himebook, phimebook@gmail.com. All are welcome!

GCC Music Ministry:

At Grace Community Church, we are blessed with a group of incredibly talented and versatile musicians, which allow our hymns to span a broad range of musical genres. Whether it’s piano, guitar, organ, fiddle, or even the occasional banjo, our goal remains the same: the glory of Christ and the praise of His name through song. Our weekly ensemble works to present both old and new hymns, with solid Scriptural content, singable melodies, and an atmosphere that encourages congregational participation as we worship the Lord with “reverence and awe.”

Want to be a part of the ministry of music at Grace Community Church? From adult choir (which rehearses Wednesday nights, from 7:30-8:30pm), to children’s choir (which runs the months December and March, with more details to follow), to instrumental and orchestral anthems (as scheduled), there is a place for everyone to participate in the music! If you have any questions, or would like further information regarding the various outlets of the music ministry, please contact our Music Director, Philip Himebook, at phimebook@gmail.com for more details.

GCC Children’s Choir:

Get your kids ready to sing! Rehearsals will take place on 3/09, 3/23, 3/30, & 4/06. On April 13th, they will be presenting an anthem in our Palm Sunday worship service. For more information, please contact our music director, Philip Himebook.