Our regular Sunday morning schedule is: Worship at 9:45AM; Fellowship Time at 11:00 AM and Sunday School for Children, Youth & Adults at 11:15AM. Our Sunday morning activities end at 12:00 PM.

Sunday School Break & Fellowship Time

Starting December, 29th, Sunday school will officially be on winter break! Thank you to all the teachers and volunteers who have prepared, taught, and loved our church well. We will enjoy some extra special fellowship time through the month of January thanks to our Hospitality Team. Don’t skip out on visiting with one another after worship.

New Adult Sunday School Classes Coming in February

When we re-start our Sunday school programs in February, we will offer two adult classes. We will offer a study of the book of Hebrews and a topical class we are calling “Let the Children Worship.” Being a parent with kids in the pews during worship can be a challenge, but it’s worth the effort. We want to look at why it’s important for all our members to be actively encouraging our children as they lear how to worship.

“Let the Children Worship” Adult Sunday School Class

As a parent, having children in the pews with you during a worship service can feel embarrassing, exhausting, and stressful. It can feel like a battle. It is not easy to bring our children into corporate worship, but worshipping with our children is one of the most significant ways we parent as Christians. We are hoping this class will encourage not only our parents in this phase of life but the whole church to be actively involved in this important work to teach our children to worship.

Tentative Class Schedule:

  • Week 1 - Why Does the Church Worship?

  • Week 2 - What Should Church Worship Look Like?

  • Week 3 - Let the Children Worship

  • Week 4 - Blessings and Benefits

  • Week 5 - Wisdom for Parents

  • Week 6 - Wisdom for Church Members & Leaders

  • Week 7 - Why GCC Does What We Do

  • Week 8 - Encouragement from Parents Who Have Survived (Testimonial)

  • Week 9 - Special Guest Teacher: Ashley Belknap – Engaging Disabilities with the Gospel

  • Week 10 - Encouragement from Parents Who Have Survived (Testimonial)

  • Week 11 - The Church, The Covenant, and Covenant Children

  • Week 12 - Family Worship – Never Stop Starting!