Sermon Series

As we approach Christmas, we remember again the incredible humility and grace of our God. We remind ourselves of the Son’s incarnation, His taking the full nature of a human and beginning His life which He would live in our place for our redemption. We remind ourselves of His low status and poverty. But we also remember the glory and majesty of our God, which shows through even in this story of humility.

Zechariah, Elizabeth, & John

Sermon Series

In the church, we often talk about stewardship of our ‘time, talent, and treasure.’ And the Good News, the Gospel, changes everything, including how we manage time, talent, and treasure. Over a few weeks, we will explore how the Gospel leads to stewardship as a joyful response to God’s gift of salvation.

Gospel-Centered Worship

Sermon Series

In the church, we often talk about stewardship of our ‘time, talent, and treasure.’ And the Good News, the Gospel, changes everything, including how we manage time, talent, and treasure. Over a few weeks, we will explore how the Gospel leads to stewardship as a joyful response to God’s gift of salvation.

Gospel-Centered Community